
Июл 15 Support Plans now available

Our Website Support Plans are now available to all clients. These have been designed to help busy business owner save time keeping their website up-to-date, secure and performing at it's best. Other benefits include; Peace of ​mind that your website ​is ​being protected, monitored 2​4/7/365 and running optimally. ​Monthly reports ... Читать далее »

Апр 3 Customer Portal Launch May 2019

We're working hard to get the new customer portal ready to launch and aiming at May 1st 2019. It will take a few weeks to get everyone's web hosting migrated to the new better quality, lower cost web hosting. We'll be rolling out the Support Plans ASAP with a select few clients. The support ticketing system will also be online before the end of ... Читать далее »